It is such an important time to think about how we can help the wellbeing of Australian workers. Recent studies have not only shown that the rates of people experiencing burnout are not only at record highs but have also been continuing on an upwards trajectory since the pandemic. Moreover, multiple sources have found that Australian workers are experiencing some of the highest rates of burnout globally (at 50-66% of Australians surveyed in 2022).
Managers and People Leaders are often highly motivated to enhance the wellbeing of those within their teams, as this ensures the long-term health and productivity of their teams. They are also well strategically placed to support their team members in this way – as they can control various factors related to an individual’s experience within the workplace.
In this session, we will be giving a brief overview of some areas a manager could look at in helping enhance the wellbeing of individuals within the workplace. All are welcome to this session, including those who are not (yet?) managers!