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Mental health tips

Financial Wellbeing

Increasing our financial well-being during challenging economic conditions Don’t have an account yet? Sign up at https://app.uprise.co/sign-in Don’t have a contract with us? Request your proposal here: https://uprise.co/proposal/

February 20, 2024 | Mental health tips

Understand and Shift Your Money Mindset for Greater Financial Well-being

The Uprise app has extensive content to revise and reflect on your financial mindset and our mental fitness coaches can help you develop a healthier financial mindset in one-on-one sessions. Don’t have an account yet? Sign up at https://app.uprise.co/sign-in Don’t have a contract with us? Request your proposal here: https://uprise.co/proposal/

May 25, 2023 | Mental health tips

Mindful Parenting and the Working Parent

The Uprise app has extensive content to revise and reflect on your financial mindset and our mental fitness coaches can help you develop a healthier financial mindset in one-on-one sessions. Don’t have an account yet? Sign up at https://app.uprise.co/sign-in Don’t have a contract with us? Request your proposal here: https://uprise.co/proposal/

March 01, 2023 | Mental health tips

Understanding and Addressing Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

The Uprise app has extensive content to revise and reflect on your financial mindset and our mental fitness coaches can help you develop a healthier financial mindset in one-on-one sessions. Don’t have an account yet? Sign up at https://app.uprise.co/sign-in Don’t have a contract with us? Request your proposal here: https://uprise.co/proposal/

August 01, 2023 | Mental health tips

Preventing Mental Health Issues at Work

A 2018 CIPD report provides a Managers Guide to Mental Health. This blog is a summary, interpretation and extension of their findings. A major factor in the cost of poor mental health at work is that issues or conflicts are left undetected and become significantly more severe over time. Poor mental health at work can reduce employee motivation, engagement and optimism and left unaddressed can contribute to the development of a mental health disorder. Employers have a responsibility to support staff in dealing with personal or work-related concerns. Often an employee assistance program (EAP) is offered as face-to-face counselling for employees. There are also additional steps that management can take with early intervention employee assistance programs to prevent stress before it spirals.

March 08, 2019 | Mental health tips

The importance of a mental safety management system

For many of us, a large portion of our life is spent at work; in fact, the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over a lifetime. That’s 1/3 of your life. Functioning technology that reduces manual tasks and advances our day-to-day lives, is a win for all, especially in the workplace.

August 12, 2019 | Mental health tips

5 ways to make work demands mentally healthy

Work demands are an integral aspect of any workplace where many stakeholders must work together to achieve organisational goals. In certain situations, employees may experience increasing work-related stress to achieve these goals. Generally, the key goal of work pressure is to increase proactive work behaviour. Proactive work behaviour is when employees react to new problems in ways that are flexible, active and innovative.

July 23, 2019 | Mental health tips

Workplace Checklist for Mental Health and Safety

Assessing the health of your workplace is difficult. There are many factors that influence the health of wellbeing of employees ranging from stress and sleep quality, to financial health, exercise and diet. Although a company can and should give employees resources that offer support on these issues, their effectiveness can still depend largely on the individuals circumstances.

July 02, 2019 | Mental health tips

Uprise Outcomes for 2018

Although 1 in 5 employees will have a diagnosable mental illness in a given year, on average only 1 in 24 actually reach out for face-to-face counselling offered by traditional employee assistance programs. This means there is a 17% gap between

February 13, 2019 | Mental health tips

Learn what HR Managers think is the best EAP Strategy

Uprise recently surveyed a group of 47 HR and WHS managers and asked about their views on mental health and EAP strategy. Those surveyed were from mostly white-collar companies with sizes ranging from 20 to as large as 35,000 employees. Learn more about some of our findings!

July 18, 2019 | Mental health tips

Is your companies leadership promoting employee health?

It is widely accepted that leadership sets the example for wellbeing and a mentally healthy workplace culture in an organisation. Workplace Strategies for Mental Health suggest that leaders best promote a mentally healthy workplace environment by improving on their communication, engagement and self-awareness. These strategies focus on the leader-centric methods of improving the health of an organisation. However, there are also a range of employee-centric methods that directly communicate to employees their value to the organisation in a way that promotes a positive workplace culture.

August 07, 2019 | Mental health tips

4 Ways Employee Assistance Programs Reduce Workplace Stigma

The way employees feel and act impacts everything from their efficiency and communication to their ability for creativity and innovation. However, business owners are often ill-equipped to manage and support the wellbeing of their staff. A recent survey found that only 17% of managers feel very confident in their ability to support colleagues experiencing mental health issues.

January 22, 2019 | Mental health tips